Did Man Create God?


The origin of life


    One of the most difficult problems in biology to understand is the creation of life on earth. Francis Crick said that the origin of life appears to be “almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to be satisfied to get it going.”  Coming from the Nobel Prize winning scientist who was co-discovered the structure of DNA, this comment was seized upon by Creationists to validate their position that the origin of life had to be the result of divine creation. [p187]

    The question of  “How did life first evolve on earth?” is one of the most intriguing questions in biology. The time window for this to occur may have been as narrow as ten million years. Examination of the wide range of modern organisms has provided a wealth of clues about some of the necessary chemicals and conditions required. While many models have been proposed some are clearly better than others. One of the most likely is a protometabolism-transfer RNA model, consisting first of The Age of Chemicals providing the necessary organic compounds followed by The Age of Information involving the co-evolution of polymers of RNA and protein. This model shows that the origin of life was not so intractable that only a divine creator could do it. [p199]

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